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From | Number of exam questions | Exam name | Last update |
leads4pass | 15 | NetApp Certified Implementation Engineer – SAN, E-Series | NS0-515 dumps |
New Question 1:
Which alerting method would be configured using the SANtricity System Manager setup wizard?
A. Syslog
C. Web Services Proxy
D. Email
Correct Answer: B
New Question 2:
An administrator is asked to migrate two DE6600 shelves into a newly deployed E5760 environment that is configured with a stack of two DE460C shelves.
In this scenario, how does the administrator complete this task?
A. Cable the DE6600s at the beginning of the stack
B. Cable the DE6600s into a separate stack
C. Cable the DE6600s at the end of the stack
D. Cable the DE6600s between the DE460C shelves
Correct Answer: C
New Question 3:
To enable one-way authentication in a new iSCSI Linux implementation, which three modifications should you make in the /etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf file on the Linux host? (Choose three.)
A. the target username and password
B. the initiator username and password
D. send targets discovery
Correct Answer: ACD
New Question 4:
Which NetApp tool provides information on the size, weight, acoustic noise, and power of NetApp E-Series systems?
A. Hardware Universe
B. Interoperability Matrix Tool
C. Config Advisor
D. Active IQ
Correct Answer: A
New Question 5:
An administrator is asked to create a Dynamic Disk Pools (DDP) pool from eleven 12 TB disks with the requirement that there is adequate space available for reconstruction if a drive in the pool fails.
In this scenario, what should the administrator do to satisfy this requirement?
A. Create the disk pool, and then edit the pool to reserve 12 TB of space
B. Create the disk pool, and then add another 12 TB drive to the pool
C. Create the disk pool, and then the system automatically reserves 12 TB of space
D. Create the disk pool, and then create a hot spare on another 12 TB disk
Correct Answer: D
New Question 6:
The NetApp E-Series system with a 32 Gb FC Host Interface Card (HIC) requires which type of fiber cable to connect to switches or to connect directly to hosts extending up to 100 meters.
A. OM4
B. OM3
C. OM1
D. OM2
Correct Answer: B
Question 7:
Where would you find the version of the driver and firmware for QLogic HBAs that are supported by NetApp E-Series systems?
A. Interoperability Matrix Tool
B. SANtricity Admin Guide
C. Hardware Universe
D. QLogic download webpage
Correct Answer: D
Question 8:
You are adding drives to an existing Dynamic Disk Pool (DDP).
In this scenario, which two drive characteristics should you consider when selecting the drives? (Choose two.)
A. if the drives are the same capacity or larger
B. if the drives have a compatible security type
C. if the drives are from the same manufacturer
D. if the drives have the same firmware level
Correct Answer: AB
New Question 9:
Click the Exhibit button.
A customer\’s host is running a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6 server with dm-mp configured for ALUA and is connected to a single volume on the EF280 system that is shown in the exhibit.
In this scenario, how many active/optimized paths are available to the volume?
A. 2
B. 8
C. 4
D. 6
Correct Answer: C
New Question 10:
You are cabling drive expansion shelves for an E2800 storage system.
In this scenario, which cabling method should you use?
A. You use SAS expansion port EXP1 and reserve SAS expansion port EXP2 for a second drive expansion stack.
B. controller A and controller B SAS expansion ports (EXP1 and EXP2) should be divided between the A-side and B-side IOM-12 modules for all the expansion shelves.
C. You use SAS expansion port EXP2 and reserve SAS expansion port EXP1 for a second drive expansion stack.
D. controller A and controller B SAS expansion ports (EXP1 and EXP2) should not be divided between the A-side and B-side IOM-12 modules for all of the expansion shelves.
Correct Answer: B
New Question 11:
A customer is configuring an EF570 system on an internal network. Due to security concerns, the network does not have Internet access. The customer wants to regularly send standard support data to NetApp.
In this scenario, what should the customer do to accomplish this task?
A. Enable AutoSupport with a set interval and with the store locally option selected, manually move the data to a server with Internet access, and then send the data to NetApp.
B. Open a support ticket with NetApp to enable AutoSupport local functionality, manually move the data to a server with Internet access, and then send the data to NetApp.
C. Set up a script to initiate Collect Support Data on a set interval, manually move the data to a server with Internet access, and then send the data to NetApp.
D. Set up a script to initiate Collect Support Data, remove the extra log files, manually move the data to a server with Internet access, and then send the data to NetApp.
Correct Answer: A
New Question 12:
What are two base host connectivity selections that are provided by the E2800 controller? (Choose two.)
Correct Answer: AD
New Question 13:
Which iSCSI setting would you change from its default value to increase the throughput of an iSCSI host port on a NetApp E-Series system?
A. maximum transmission unit (MTU)
B. flow control
C. Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)
D. Time to Live (TTL)
Correct Answer: A
New Question 14:
You are setting up asynchronous mirroring between two E2860 systems.
In this scenario, which two prerequisites are required to complete the setup? (Choose two.)
A. Both the primary and secondary systems must be using the same subnets for mirroring connections.
B. Both the primary and secondary systems must have the same premium features licensed.
C. Both systems must be discovered by an Enterprise Management Window (EMW) or SANtricity Unified Manager.
D. The secondary system must have 2X the storage capacity of the primary system.
Correct Answer: BC
New Question 15:
Which three factors should you consider before you install an E2860 in a data center? (Choose three.)
A. current draw
B. heat dissipation
C. fire suppression capacity
D. electromagnetic interference
E. ambient temperatures
Correct Answer: CBE
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