Lead4Pass releases the latest “NetApp Certified Data Administrator, ONTAP Professional” exam practice materials NetApp ns0-163 dumps: https://www.leads4pass.com/ns0-163.html,
Contains 183 latest exam questions and answers, and provides PDF and VCE practice tools to help you pass the exam easily.
NetApp ns0-163 preparation plan:
Three steps to help you pass the NetApp ns0-163 exam easily
Step 1: Understand the exam topics
NS0-163 exam topics include “NetApp certified data administrator, ONTAP” exam core objectives, check out the target tasks below, and complete the study plan!
You should have:
Six to twelve months of experience with NetApp ONTAP solutions including configuration, storage administration, and data management.
- Fundamental knowledge of network concepts
- Fundamental knowledge of cloud concepts
- Fundamental knowledge of virtualization concepts
- Fundamental knowledge of SAN/NAS concepts
- Knowledge of host OS (e.g., Windows, Linux)
- Fundamental knowledge of NetApp ONTAP concepts and related technologies
- Fundamental knowledge of data protection
- NetApp ONTAP relevant courses
- Knowledge of high-availability concepts
What You Will be Tested on
Storage Platforms
- Describe knowledge of physical storage systems
- Describe software-defined on-premises or cloud storage systems
- Describe upgrading or scaling ONTAP clusters
- Describe ONTAP system management
- Describe high-availability concepts
- Describe Storage Virtual Machine management
ONTAP Storage
- Describe logical storage features
- Describe NetApp storage efficiency features
- Describe network components
- Demonstrate knowledge of how to troubleshoot network components
Storage Protocols and Connectivity
- Describe SAN solutions
- Demonstrate knowledge of how to troubleshoot SAN solutions
- Describe NAS solutions
- Demonstrate knowledge of how to troubleshoot NAS solutions
- Describe ONTAP S3 solutions
Data Protection
- Describe ONTAP data protection solutions
- Identify ONTAP business continuity concepts
- Demonstrate knowledge of how to troubleshoot DP solutions
- Describe protocol security
- Describe security hardening
- Describe in-flight or at-rest encryption
- Identify anti-ransomware concepts
- Describe ONTAP performance monitoring
- Demonstrate knowledge of how to troubleshoot storage system performance
Step 2: Exam Overview
Exam name: | NetApp Certified Data Administrator, ONTAP Professional |
Exam code: | NS0-163 |
Number of exam questions: | 60 |
Exam time: | 90 Minute (Countries where English is not the native language can be extended by 30 minutes) |
Language: | English |
Passing score: | About 70% |
Price: | Certification exams range in price from $150 to over $200, depending on the exam and the country in which the exam is taken. |
Ways of registration: | Pearson VUE |
FAQ: | NetApp Learning Services |
Step Three: NS0-163 Exam Practice Test
Free sharing of the latest NS0-163 dumps exam questions online practice tests
From | Number of exam questions | Type | Related certifications |
Lead4Pass | 15 | Free | NetApp Data Track Certification |
Question 1:
Which one of the following does SnapRestore revert?
A. Snapshot schedules
B. Volume option settings
C. RAID group size
D. File content
Correct Answer: D
Question 2:
The NearStore system is not the recommended secondary storage appliance for Open System SnapVault.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: B
Question 3:
Which two commands could be used if the cf giveback command foils? (Choose 2)
A. cf giveback -force
B. cf giveback -f
C. cf forceeiveback -f
D. cf forceeiveback
Correct Answer: BD
Question 4:
NetApp X1024 Fibre Channel HBA is required on the storage systems for IP over Fibre Channel functionality.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A
Question 5:
A mirrored volume has a failed disk, but there are no available spares in the pool from which the degraded plex was built. Data ONTAP will:
A. Choose spare disks to reconstruct from the opposite pool
B. Warn you that there are no available spares from the proper pool
C. “Halt” after 24 hours if spare disks are not added to the proper pool
D. Stop all applications that are running
Correct Answer: B
Question 6:
You have connected all cables and disk shelves in a Fabric Attached MetroCluster. Which one of the following commands would you use to verify that disks are connected and have dual paths?
A. storage show disk-p
B. sys config -v
C. vol status -r
D. disk show
Correct Answer: A
Question 7:
Which one of the following commands is used to specify the destination appliance(s) that are allowed to replicate (pull data from the source appliance?
A. optionssnapmirror.allow
B. snapmirror release
C. snapmirror initialize
D. optionssnapmirror.access
Correct Answer: D
Question 8:
In a fabric-attached MetroCluster, hardware disk ownership by a node is determined by two factors (Choose two.)
A. the system ID of the controller
B. what types of ports are on the HBA
C. the location of the HBA or onboard port
D. what types of disks are used in the cluster
E. how the disks are configured by the administrator
F. which switch ports the controller and disks are connected to
Correct Answer: CF
Question 9:
The snap vault snap sched -x command can be used to:
A. Schedule full backups
B. Start initial backups
C. Schedule incremental backups
D. Specify platforms that can be backed up
Correct Answer: C
Question 10:
A volume is SnapMirrored hourly. You revert the volume using a snapshot that was created two days ago. Which command continues the relationship?
A. SnapMirror initialize
B. SnapMirror quiesce
C. SnapMirror resume
D. SnapMirror resync
E. SnapMirror update.
Correct Answer: D
Question 11:
Alter issuing the vol split volO/plexO volNew command:
A. There are two mirrored volumes, volO and volNew.
B. There are two cineplexes, plexO, and plexNew.
C. There is a new mirrored volume called.
D. There is a newplex called plexNew.
Correct Answer: A
Question 12:
Which one of the following commands would you use to rejoin the “mil” volume with the “mir(l)” volume?
A. vol mirror mir -v mir
B. volmirror mir -c mir(l)
C. vol mirror mil -v mir(l)
D. vol minor mil -n mir(l)
Correct Answer: C
Question 13:
Which one of the following statements is not true when using SnapRestore?
A. SnapRestore must be licensed before you can use it.
B. The optionssnaprestore enable on option must be enabled.
C. The volume to be reverted must not be aSnapMirror destination mirror.
D. The volume must be online.
Correct Answer: B
Question 14:
Which two supported methods would you use to restore data from a SnapVault for NetBackup Volume?
A. Use the NetBackup Administration Console
B. Use drag-and-drop technologies
C. Use thesnapvault restore Data ONTAP command
D. Use theSnapRestore Data ONTAP service
Correct Answer: AB
Question 15:
It is the use of the -Lflag in the snapmirror initialize command and the subsequent successful level 0 transfer that causes the destination volume to become snaplock?
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer: A
NetApp ns0-163 exam is newly released in 2023! Designed to help you better manage the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to manage NetApp ONTAP solutions!
Lead4Pass NetApp ns0-163 dumps with PDF and VCE: https://www.leads4pass.com/ns0-163.html to assist you in effective exam practice! Help you better understand the NetApp ns0-163 exam knowledge and ensure that you pass the exam 100%.